צפיות בכותרות
כ"ד באדר התש"פ
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
00:01:51 ◀︎ MK: Don't prohibit Jerusalem Arabs from going to western part of city
00:08:45 ◀︎ Coronavirus cases in NYC reach 3,615
00:31:47 ◀︎ Hanegbi's coronavirus test comes back negative
00:42:58 ◀︎ Gantz does not rule out unity gov't: 'All options on the table'
01:04:30 ◀︎ Time for introspection and prayer
01:36:37 ◀︎ When is it permitted to leave? How many passengers in the car?
01:51:23 ◀︎ Death toll in Washington state from coronavirus increases to 74
02:09:42 ◀︎ Confronting our isolation, reaching out with kindness
02:44:05 ◀︎ Trump cancels G7 meeting due to coronavirus
02:56:33 ◀︎ China reports 39 new cases of coronavirus, all of them imported
03:07:55 ◀︎ Italy's death toll from coronavirus surpasses China's
03:26:06 ◀︎ Brazilian President: Coronavirus will peak in 3-4 months
03:45:35 ◀︎ Two LA Lakers players test positive for coronavirus
04:06:05 ◀︎ California Governor issues 'stay at home' order
04:44:33 ◀︎ Supreme Court rules against technological surveillance
05:07:25 ◀︎ South Korea reports 87 new cases of coronavirus
05:13:10 ◀︎ Listen: Life Before Death by Israel Portnoy
05:30:16 ◀︎ Tulsi Gabbard ends presidential bid
05:38:10 ◀︎ France reports 108 new deaths from coronavirus
05:51:44 ◀︎ Watch: Israel's flag on the walls of the Old City
06:01:55 ◀︎ Abbas: The risk from coronavirus is at a minimum
06:14:17 ◀︎ Egypt reports 46 new cases of coronavirus
06:17:40 ◀︎ What drives people to hoard toilet paper and hand sanitizer?
06:38:08 ◀︎ 'Gantz will go with Netanyahu? Political bankruptcy'
06:56:20 ◀︎ Iran announces 149 new deaths from coronavirus
07:49:54 ◀︎ This organization is bringing food to Holocaust rescuers
08:09:11 ◀︎ 5 Jewish NGOs join appeal to Congress for cash infusion
08:24:06 ◀︎ Watch: A wedding in the streets of Crown Heights
09:18:36 ◀︎ Government approves emergency measures
09:56:25 ◀︎ Washington: Man arrested for anti-Semitic threats
10:08:58 ◀︎ Watch: Israeli mother reacts to distance learning
10:14:42 ◀︎ 'Coronavirus feels like World War II'
10:38:30 ◀︎ 'Together we will overcome the crisis'
10:48:42 ◀︎ 'We're pulling together in the most phenomenal ways'
11:15:51 ◀︎ From north to south, Israelis come together during isolation
12:08:28 ◀︎ 705 coronavirus patients, ten in serious condition
13:22:28 ◀︎ Lebanon militia veteran al-Fakhoury released to US
14:07:58 ◀︎ Poll: Likud - 40, Blue and White - 30
14:22:46 ◀︎ Watch: 'Coronavirus wedding' in Ramat Beit Shemesh
14:30:46 ◀︎ Will the coronavirus slow down or discourage aliyah?
15:16:15 ◀︎ Anti-Semites: 'Cough on Jews, make them sick'
16:37:02 ◀︎ Lenny Ravich shares the secret to a happy life
17:20:44 ◀︎ Shabbat Shalom from Israel!
18:47:36 ◀︎ To be Jewish - in the smallest things
20:08:55 ◀︎ Government approves emergency regulations on number of workers
20:30:38 ◀︎ Is Israel's political system like the coronavirus?
20:44:26 ◀︎ Italy records almost 6,000 new coronavirus cases
21:16:43 ◀︎ Cuomo orders nonessential workers to stay home
21:40:30 ◀︎ 22 medical personnel ordered into isolation
22:07:59 ◀︎ Israel records first death from coronavirus